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  • Who can receive home health?

    Asked by unknown
    1 Answers
    Individuals of all ages and with a variety of health care needs can receive home health services. As the name implies, home health is for people who require assistance from a health care professional at home. Medicare, Medicaid and insurance companies require orders from a physician before care can be initiated.
  • Does home insurance apply to you if you rent?

    Asked by unknown
    1 Answers
    As the owner, your landlord will be responsible for the maintenance of the building, so its down to them to ensure their property is protected with buildings insurance. But youre responsible for any contents inside that you own. If anything were to happen to your possessions, you would liable yourself for the cost of replacing them.
  • Can one take 401(k) to buy a house?

    Asked by unknown
    1 Answers
    Yes, in some cases you are able to take a limited amount of funds from your 401(k) to purchase a house. Your Roth IRA and/or Traditional IRA would be a better source of funds, however, if you are a first-time home buyer. You would also be better off if you continued to save additional funds to purchase a home instead of taking funds from your retir